LayerPixel: All for TON, creating an All-in-One DeFi solution for TON ecosystem

After several bull and bear cycles, TON ecosystem has finally ushered in its own spring in this bull market.

In September 2023, Telegram officially announced its integration with the TON network, marking a reconciliation with TON. This move opened the gateway to Web3 for Telegram’s 900 million monthly active users, bringing tremendous opportunities to the TON ecosystem and transforming TON from a “cold chain of giants” into a hot commodity.

The crypto market has clearly realized the huge wave that the TON ecosystem is set to create: The total value locked (TVL) in the TON ecosystem has surpassed $740 million, increasing 32 times over the past five months, with applications in various sectors of the ecosystem flourishing. The TON GameFi project Notcoin ($NOT) and the viral Memecoin Black and White Dog ($Dogs) have also added significant momentum to the Telegram×TON ecosystem, drawing the market’s full attention.


How Far Away from Mass Adoption?

The Telegram×TON ecosystem seems to be getting closer to the beautiful vision of mass adoption. However, the heat generated by Memes alone is not enough to support TON’s long-term value. Richer applications need to join this hotbed. The unique technical architecture of TON makes ecosystem development relatively complex, and the lack of basic infrastructure leaves developers without handy tools, throwing cold water on projects wanting to join the TON ecosystem.

To do a good job, one must first sharpen one’s tools. For the rapidly growing TON ecosystem, excellent infrastructure is an indispensable part of its development. The Layer 1.5 solution LayerPixel, built based on TON for Telegram, fills this gap. It aims to provide Telegram Mini App developers with a one-stop DeFi service, helping more outstanding applications overcome the technical hurdles of the TON ecosystem.

Recently, LayerPixel reached an important milestone, announcing the completion of a $2 million seed round led by Kenetic Capital, with participating institutions including Waterdrip Capital, Foresight Venture, VentureSouq, Web3 Port, Microcosm Research, and TMM Club, along with dozens of well-known investors. This round of financing not only demonstrates the market’s confidence in LayerPixel but also provides strong support for its ambitious plans.

LayerPixel also recently launched the Game of Dawn event, an attempt to seamlessly bring Web2 users into the Web3 world, injecting new vitality and possibilities into the TON ecosystem. This event showcased the potential of the TON ecosystem to external users while providing new ideas for solving user acquisition and value creation issues.

What makes LayerPixel achieve such remarkable success in both financing and innovation? From technological innovation to user strategy and ecosystem construction, what are the unique aspects of LayerPixel? Let’s delve into this project that is changing the landscape of the TON ecosystem.

From “Pioneer” to “Foundation Builder”: The Rebranding of LayerPixel

There are countless projects providing DeFi solutions, so what makes LayerPixel special?

After thoroughly understanding the LayerPixel team’s exploration of the TON ecosystem, it becomes clear that LayerPixel’s creation was driven by the team’s own experiences and challenges during development on the TON chain, prompting them to create solutions for others.

Facing Development Challenges

During their exploration of the TON ecosystem, the team gradually realized that for projects wanting to enter the TON ecosystem, relying solely on external financial support is not the best solution. The real test lies in the technical development within the TON ecosystem.

Early on, the team recognized that developing on the TON ecosystem presented significant challenges:

  1. Heterogeneous Asynchronous Sharding Increases Development Difficulty
    Unlike Ethereum’s synchronous transaction execution, TON’s heterogeneous asynchronous sharding means transactions on TON are not executed synchronously. In asynchronous transaction execution, a single transaction may independently succeed or fail. This uncertainty and the complex mechanism between shards pose significant challenges and costs for constructing DeFi applications that require quick and definitive transaction confirmations.
  2. Lack of Token Approval Mechanism
    Ethereum uses a centralized ledger similar to Alipay, allowing users to easily interact with funds through internal transfers. In contrast, TON uses a decentralized ledger, which cannot represent users to transfer assets. Developers need to design more complex contract logic to manage token transfers and approvals, increasing the complexity and development costs of smart contracts and introducing potential vulnerabilities and errors in the code.

Determined to Build Their Own DeFi Infrastructure

Faced with these native development issues on the TON chain, the team realized the critical importance of a robust and suitable infrastructure and development tools for the current TON ecosystem.

The team decided to transition their role from “pioneer” to “foundation builder,” constructing a DeFi infrastructure tailored to the TON ecosystem with their own hands.

Then came LayerPixel, ready to meet a series of development challenges within the TON ecosystem.

LayerPixel: The “Golden Finger” for Development on the TON Chain

As an all-in-one DeFi solution, LayerPixel’s unique layered architecture, integrated wallet, and PixelSwap make it easy for development teams to build DeFi projects on the TON chain. This transforms the development process from a challenging endeavor into a smooth and enjoyable experience, much like using a “golden finger” in a game.

Layered Architecture: LayerPixel’s Magical LEGO

LayerPixel’s unique layered architecture consists of multiple levels, each with its own functions and roles:

1. Funding Layer

  • Virtual asset storage layer, implementing the token approval function. The Funding Layer supports the built-in abstract wallet PixelWallet and external account wallets (EOA Wallet), providing basic fund management functions while also supporting smart contracts and automation.

2. Settlement Layer

  • Similar to a bank vault, it stores all funds and relies on the LayerPixel Settlement Engine to handle transaction settlement, ensuring accurate execution and recording of each transaction.

3. Execution Layer

  • The matching engine for transactions, including AMM Engine, Weighted Pool Engine, and LBP Engine. These engines complement each other to provide excellent liquidity solutions for DeFi.

4. Extension Layer

  • Built by third parties, the Extension Layer allows developers to add custom features and modules, enhancing system flexibility and scalability. For example, developers can insert anti-money laundering (AML) modules in the Extension Layer to enable asset freezing and other functions.

Through this multi-layered architecture design, LayerPixel provides a flexible, efficient, and scalable DeFi solution that meets the needs of different users and developers.


LayerPixel’s account abstraction wallet, PixelWallet, designed for DeFi, provides developers and users with comprehensive functional modules. It allows users to manage virtual assets by authorizing smart contracts within the LayerPixel system:

  • Support for Gas-free Transactions: Third-party protocols can cover all transaction gas fees, enabling users to transact without worrying about gas costs.
  • Support for Atomic Swaps: Allows multiple transactions to be completed in a single operation, avoiding issues of partial transaction failures or data inconsistencies caused by asynchronous communication.
  • Planned Support for Multiple Login Methods: Including passkey and Metamask signature methods, providing flexibility and ease of access.
  • Configurable User Wallet Types for Developers: Simplifies user onboarding by allowing application developers to configure different types of user wallets. It also supports direct interaction with TON Wallet and other LayerPixel components, enhancing user experience and operational convenience.


As the core trading layer of LayerPixel, PixelSwap plays a crucial role. PixelSwap is the first modular and upgradable decentralized exchange (DEX) on TON, bringing innovative trading mechanisms to the ecosystem and injecting new vitality into the entire system.

Technical Advantages:

  1. Weighted Pool Swap Protocol: PixelSwap’s unique design significantly improves liquidity efficiency and trading flexibility. By supporting TON/Jetton and Jetton/Jetton pools, the range of trading pairs is greatly expanded, offering users more choices. Notably, PixelSwap uses a singleton contract similar to Uniswap V4 to manage all trading pairs, effectively enhancing platform efficiency and gas optimization.
  2. Diverse Trading Algorithms: Beyond standard trading pools, the platform supports weighted pools and Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools (LBP). This variety allows users more options for liquidity management, making capital use more flexible and efficient. Advanced order types and support for multi-hop/multi-path routing further optimize trade execution efficiency and accuracy.

DeFi Support:

PixelSwap excels in DeFi functionality, supporting atomic swaps and flash loans, which significantly enhance platform functionality and offer users more financial options. The platform’s proprietary mathematical library and smart contracts implement unique weighted pool functions, allowing users to contribute assets with different weights, thereby increasing trading depth and improving spread performance.

Upgradability and Customizability:

PixelSwap’s upgradability and customizability are standout features. The platform supports the adjustment of swap curves and gas fees, allowing continuous optimization to adapt to market changes and user needs. Additionally, configurable fee collector contracts enhance operational flexibility, providing more possibilities for future development.

Modular Design:

The system’s modular design makes it highly scalable and easy to customize. The asset authorization mechanism ensures transaction reliability. Gas-free transactions reduce user costs, and the atomic swap feature ensures transaction completeness, mitigating default risks. Support for multiple login methods makes user access more convenient and secure. Through its foundational “magic Lego,” LayerPixel has built a flexible and efficient TON DeFi solution for Telegram developers.


Points for Tokens: Game of Dawn Helps You Strike Gold with LayerPixel

With the rapid development of the TON ecosystem, especially the proliferation of homogenized applications centered around TapTap mini-games, projects often face two main problems: tokens lacking real utility and a large number of fake users who join only to exploit the system.

To address this, LayerPixel has recently launched the Game of Dawn initiative.

Game of Dawn aims to attract and reward genuine gamers through an innovative model while establishing a solid value foundation for LayerPixel’s token, $PIX. This initiative cleverly introduces quality Web2 users into the Web3 world, infusing new vitality into the TON ecosystem.

How It Works:

  • Paid Participation Mechanism: Ensures the attraction of genuine, high-quality users with the ability to pay. Through participating in games on the Game of Dawn platform, users can earn activity points.
  • Conversion to $PIX Tokens: These points are ultimately converted into shares of LayerPixel’s $PIX tokens.
  • Tiered Chip Allocation Structure: Points weight is assigned based on the time of user participation in the event. Early participants receive more tokens, incentivizing early engagement.

For more information about Game of Dawn, please visit the official article: Introduction to Game of Dawn.

  1. Enhanced Integration with Telegram: Gradual unlocking of more functions and interfaces for deeper integration with Telegram.
  2. Introduction of Cross-chain Bridges: To improve user liquidity experience.
  3. Enhanced PixelWallet Functions: Including support for key-based logins and the introduction of social recovery mechanisms.

By 2026, LayerPixel plans to open all functionalities to third parties, further expanding its ecosystem. Developers will be able to use LayerPixel’s technology to build various decentralized applications, enriching the TON ecosystem’s application scenarios.

LayerPixel will deploy and support multiple chains, making it a multi-chain platform. This will enhance LayerPixel’s flexibility and compatibility, allowing it to meet the needs of different blockchains.

From exploration to foundation building, LayerPixel has steadily delivered its contributions to TON ecosystem.

As the market continues to discover value and the ecosystem’s landscape improves, the demand for robust infrastructure in the TON ecosystem is bound to grow. LayerPixel’s timely emergence provides strong support for the burgeoning Telegram×TON ecosystem.

From the all-in-one DeFi infrastructure of LayerPixel, to the comprehensive asset issuance platform TonUP Launchpad, and the liquidity solution PixelSwap, the team has pioneered the development of essential infrastructure for the TON ecosystem. This comprehensive suite of tools opens up new possibilities for applications within the TON ecosystem.

Perhaps, the reality of mass adoption is closer than we think.

This article was updated on August 2, 2024